Rep. Jacobs: Glad to See End to COVID-19 Mandates for Schools

POMONA – State Rep. Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona) says he is pleased with the ruling by a Sangamon County judge that at least temporarily ends mask, vaccine, testing, and quarantine mandates related to COVID-19.

“Last week’s ruling is a victory for our students, teachers, and school districts in general. I have long advocated that these public health decisions be left to local officials. I support wearing a mask if you want to, but I don’t think the government has the right to dictate that you do. I am happy for our school kids, who for more than 700 days have not had a ‘normal’ day of school. It is my hope that the governor would follow the lead of other states, and drop his unilateral mandates related to the virus. In the case of schools in particular, the governor should drop his mandates-first policies, and withdraw his appeal to this ruling. The people of Illinois have had enough. It is long past time that we unmask our kids and get them back to a normal footing in our schools.”