Rep. Jacobs Launches Online Petition Opposing Gun Control Bill

POMONA – State Representative Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona) says he is disturbed by the sweeping gun and ammunition control effort currently pending in the Illinois House, and he’s encouraging his constituents to take action against HB 5855.

“This bill represents a direct threat to people that want to own firearms for self defense purposes,” Jacobs said. “There has been a disturbing trend by Democrats to have knee-jerk reactions that lump all gun owners in with mentally ill people that are committing these insane and grotesque mass shootings. The majority of people that own firearms do so legally and responsibly.”

Jacobs has launched an online petition effort to gather signatures he will present during the Lame Duck Session of the legislature when the bill is widely expected to see further House action.

“I want everyone that believes in the 2nd Amendment to sign my petition and send a message to the Chicago gun grabbers that we value our traditions, that we hold our Constitutional rights as sacred, and that we reject this gun and ammunition grab,” Jacobs said. “I’m carrying a message to Springfield from the people I represent that we the people reject this heavy-handed effort.”

Rep. Jacobs’ online petition can be signed at this link:
