Rep. Jacobs Says Latest Gun Grab Bill is Unconstitutional

SPRINGFIELD – State Rep. Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona) voted no on SB 2226 on Thursday night. The legislation represents the most recent version of gun control legislation pending since early December. Jacobs says the legislation targets law-abiding citizens and ignores major root causes of gun violence.

”I was proud to cast my vote against the most recent gun and ammunition control bill,” Jacobs said. “Like many law-abiding citizens, I freely and proudly exercise my right to bear arms.

“The effort to blame law-abiding citizens for the heartbreaking violence, mayhem and chaos that’s happening on the streets of Chicago is disappointing but not surprising. Democrats have controlled state government in Illinois for forty years. Illinois Democrats have continuously failed to address the root problems of mental health and mental illness and have prioritized the rights of criminals over victims. Their latest gun control bill will do nothing to address the public safety crisis we’re facing in this state, and will ultimately be found unconstitutional.”
