Rep. Jacobs Announces Energy Transition Grants Coming to Local Governments

MARION – 118th District State Representative Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona) announced this week that several units of local government in his district will receive nearly three quarters of a million dollars in Energy Transition Grants from the State of Illinois.

The grants are being made available due to the enactment of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA). Energy Transition Program Grants provide funding for local government entities and communities that have been impacted by fossil fuel plant or coal mine closures or significant reductions.

“I am thankful that units of local government in the 118th district are receiving some financial help to lessen the impact of the loss of revenue experienced due to the closures of coal-fired power plants and coal mines,” Jacobs said. “I am fighting to make sure that communities unfairly and harshly impacted by the law are getting their fair share of grant funding to help partially patch financial holes created by the Governor’s climate change legislation.”

Energy Transition Program Grant awards were calculated based on the economic impact of plant or mine closures, specifically, property tax losses and jobs lost due to the plant transition, with a minimum award of $50,000. The following entities will receive amounts ranging from just over $57,000 to more than $270,000 for a total of $740,657.

Carbondale Park District – $80,707

City of Carbondale – $80,707

Jackson County – $124,423

John A. Logan College – $272,769

Marion Park District – $57,029

Williamson County – $62,511

Williamson County Airport Authority – $62,511
