Rep. Jacobs Presents Bobby Toler, Jr. with House Resolution Celebrating his Retirement

POMONA – State Rep. Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona) recently presented an official Illinois House of Representatives Resolution to former Union County Commissioner Bobby Toler, Jr.

In the previous General Assembly, Rep. Jacobs passed HR 973, a resolution that congratulates Toler on his retirement after 40 years of service to Union County as a deputy assessor, as a Union County Clerk, and as a commissioner.

“I was proud to present Bobby Toler, Jr. with a resolution that recognizes his decades of service to the citizens of Union County,” Jacobs said. “We should encourage more good people to get into the business of serving their fellow citizens. Bobby Toler, Jr. is a great example of someone that placed service as a top priority in his life, and he set a fine example for others to follow.”

A portion of HR 973 from the 102nd General Assembly reads:

Commissioner Toler, during his tenure as a commissioner, supported the replacement of one lane wooden bridges with culverts, which increased safety and made
economic sense; he also helped secure a Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant of $357,375 for schools to help prevent violence; he helped with refinancing the courthouse bonds, which reduced the term of the loan by seven years at a savings of $2,000,000, earning an A+ bond rating for Union County; since becoming commissioner, he has also helped to increase the reserve funds by $1,000,000; he has also made
decisions on county issues based on prior experience to help county government…

The full text of the resolution can be found here: