Jacobs: Rushed Election Reform Bill Bad for Illinois Democracy

SPRINGFIELD, IL – State Rep. Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona) issued the following statement in response to the passage of SB 2412 through the Illinois House on Wednesday. The legislation adds three non-binding ballot referendum questions to the November 2024 ballot and changes petition and nomination processes for legislative vacancies.

“Some of the ideas in the bill merit debate, but that’s not what we got today,” Jacobs said. “I continue to be disappointed and perplexed by the way Democrats run the House, the Senate and the State. The people of Illinois deserve to know what their legislature is working on and to have a chance to weigh in through a fair committee hearing process. Today Democrats rushed through a major elections reform bill in a single day. I joined my colleagues in protesting the process by which this bill was passed.

“The super majority is facing political headwinds because of the failures of President Biden, rampant inflation, out-of-control illegal immigration, and anti-Semitic activity in major cities and on college campuses. It is no wonder they are working to take the legal right away from the minority party to slate candidates against them.”

Having cleared the House in a single legislative day, SB 2412 heads to the Senate for consideration.