Rep. Jacobs Hosts “Page for a Day” Elizabeth Hill of Jonesboro on Illinois House Floor

SPRINGFIELD, IL – State Representative Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona) had a special guest join him on the Illinois House Floor on Thursday, May 23. Rep. Jacobs welcomed Anna-Jonesboro High School Freshman Elizabeth Hill to serve as a Page for a Day during legislative session.

“I was proud to have Elizabeth join us on the House Floor today to serve as a Page for a Day,” Jacobs said. “Elizabeth is very active in her school, a straight A student, and planning to head to college to eventually study law. Elizabeth is attending the University of Chicago’s Emerging Rural Leader’s program, is a softball player, and active in the FBLA.”

“I’m always proud to host my constituents in Springfield and show off the talents of the good people of the 118th district,” Jacobs said.
