Rep. Paul Jacobs Earns 100% Rating with Technology & Manufacturing Association

POMONA, IL – The Technology & Manufacturing Association has released its 2023 Legislative Scorecard. State Rep. Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona) reports that he has received a 100% voting record designation with the TMA. Jacobs thanked the TMA for the important work they do supporting employers in Illinois.

“The TMA is an organization that works hard to reduce taxes, improve education, and reduce regulation on small and midsize technology and manufacturing businesses,” Jacobs said. “Since taking office, I have argued that our taxes are too high and our regulatory environment is too burdensome. My voting record with TMA reflects my continued belief that lowering taxes and reducing regulations leads to more jobs for our citizens.”

According to a press release from TMA, their 2023 Legislative Scorecard tracked lawmakers’ votes on HB3129 (Mandated Pay Scale Posting), HB1122 (Freelance Worker Protection Act), HB2862 (Temporary Labor Services Act), HB219 (Punitive Damages—Wrongful Death Lawsuits), HB2473 (Nuclear Energy), HB218 (Deceptive Practices with Firearms), and SB1996 (Manufacturing Mentorship Program).

Jacobs says Illinois businesses are often the target of increased taxes and regulations, which drives jobs and population out of the Land of Lincoln.

“I’ve owned several small businesses, and let me tell you, Illinois doesn’t make it easy,” Jacobs said. “However, there are associations that are working to educate legislators and the public about the very real problems of over-taxation and over-regulation. I am happy to have earned the 100% voting record designation alongside 31 other members of the General Assembly who are dedicated to increasing our jobs numbers at technology and manufacturing facilities throughout the state.”
