Rep. Jacobs Opposes Largest Budget in Illinois History; Nearly $2 Billion More than Last Year

Rep. Paul Jacobs leads the ceremonial procession after the Governor's State of the State and Budget Address to a joint Session of the House and Senate.

SPRINGFIELD, IL… State Representative Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona) says he is strongly opposed to Governor Pritzker’s Fiscal Year 2026 budget proposal, delivered to a joint Session of the House and Senate in Wednesday’s combined State of the State and Budget Address. Jacobs says the Governor’s FY 26 budget spends $2 Billion more next year than this year, representing a spending record.

“As a member of the House Higher Education Appropriations Committee, I believe we need an actual appropriations process where we meet and craft a balanced budget based on existing revenues,” declared Rep. Jacobs. “For too many years, Republican members have been left out of the budget discussion entirely while Democrats have chosen to spend, spend, spend. It was easier when they had all of the COVID money coming in from the Federal government, but they spent all that money and more.”

Jacobs points out that the annual budget address marks a starting point for negotiations for the FY26 state budget that only represents the spending priorities of the Governor and Democrat legislators. He adds that the priorities expressed by Governor Pritzker today are wrong.

“I am still ready to roll up my sleeves and work with the majority party to help bring common-sense budgeting to the process in Illinois,” added Jacobs. “We need to remember that we are responsible for spending the hardworking taxpayer’s money, and their money does not grow on trees.”

Jacobs also took issue with Pritzker’s often repeated attacks referencing Nazi Germany, calling President Trump an “idiot” and likening President Trump to a Nazi.

“The Governor needs to leave his national political rhetoric for his Sunday morning TV interviews. His comments today have no place in our state government discourse. I was disappointed and disturbed that he used the platform of the Budget Address to launch such egregious political attacks against the President of the United States.”

For more information, contact Rep. Jacobs’ office at 217-782-8071 or visit his website at

Representative Paul Jacobs serves the constituents of Illinois’ 118th District that includes all or portions of Alexander, Jackson, Pulaski, Union, and Williamson Counties.