VIDEO: Rep. Jacobs Fights to End “Sanctuary State”

Stopping Illegal Immigration and Drain on Budget

SPRINGFIELD, IL… State Representative Paul Jacobs (R-Pomona) addressed the media on Tuesday at the State Capitol regarding his legislation to end the TRUST Act passed in 2017 which made Illinois a “Sanctuary State” for undocumented immigrants. Joined by his colleagues, Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer (100th District) and Rep. Mike Coffey (95th District), Rep. Jacobs made his case to stop illegal immigration and stop the more than $3 billion drain on the state budget.

“The TRUST Act prohibits local law enforcement in Illinois from participating in immigration enforcement,” explained Rep. Jacobs. “We have a responsibility to require that immigrants come to our country the lawful way, and to keep our citizens and communities safe from the gangs, drugs, and crime that have so badly harmed so many people across our state and country.”

Jacobs points out there is a right way to come to this country. For example, at Southern Illinois University – Carbondale, thousands of LEGAL students, professors, and researchers from nearly 100 countries around the world have chosen our research university which offers a supportive, educational environment for all to thrive through our Center for International Education (CIE).

“Governor Pritzker and his Democrat allies are unnecessarily putting the safety of Illinois citizens at risk by continuing irresponsible sanctuary state and sanctuary city laws,” added Jacobs. “The state of Illinois has spent billions giving cash and medical care to people who are in the country illegally and the time for that irresponsible policy to come to an end is now.”

 “We lived through the carnage in our cities, crime in our streets, and the drain on our precious resources caused by unchecked illegal immigration during the Biden Administration. With President Trump setting a new course on immigration policy, our legislation that would repeal Illinois’ TRUST Act helps to stop the flood of illegal immigrants into Illinois from our southern U.S. border and would empower our law enforcement officials to work with federal agents to DEPORT criminal illegal immigrants.”

“I have filed House Bill 1345 to REPEAL the TRUST Act and stand ready to put my name on any of the bills filed by my colleagues that will move this issue along,” concluded Rep. Jacobs. “I believe in the old saying of former President Ronald Reagan: “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.”

“We must repeal the TRUST Act to end Illinois’ irresponsible and dangerous Sanctuary State policies!”

For more information, contact Rep. Jacobs’ office at 217-782-8071 or visit his website at

Representative Paul Jacobs serves the constituents of Illinois’ 118th District which includes all or portions of Alexander, Jackson, Pulaski, Union, and Williamson Counties.