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Saturday, July 15, 2023
Jacobs: National Pet Fire Safety Day is Saturday, July 15

Don’t forget to include your pets in your family emergency plan. Prevent Your Pets from Starting Fires The National Fire Protection Association estimates that nearly 1,000 home fires each year…

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Who: State Senator Terri Bryant (Murphysburo), and State Representatives Charlie Meier (Okawville) and Dave Severin (Benton) What: With the Department of Human Services’ continued failure to protect developmentally disabled persons at state-run…

Monday, July 10, 2023
Rep. Paul Jacobs Offers Tips on National Chronic Disease Day

Many preventable chronic conditions are caused by key risk behaviors. Reduce your likelihood of getting a chronic disease and improve your quality of life by understanding the risk factors. #ChronicDiseaseDay

Friday, July 7, 2023
House GOP Week in Review

FENTANYL How much fentanyl crosses our southern border?  One of the most dangerous and deadly drugs pervading our nation currently is fentanyl. The flow of this powerful drug coming into…

Thursday, July 6, 2023
730 Southern Illinois Area Code Prefix to be Added Starting Tomorrow

The Illinois Commerce Commission has approved the implementation of the new area code 730 to overlay the existing area code 618 region starting tomorrow.

Thursday, July 6, 2023
Rep. Jacobs Marks Illinois Flag Adoption Day

On this day in 1915, Illinois adopted its first state flag. This flag depicted the emblem shown on the state seal on a field of white. In 1970, official design…

Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Keeping Your Pets Safe in the Summer Heat

It’s summertime in Illinois, and that means everyone has to be aware of the high heat and humidity that can be common for days and weeks at a time. And…

Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Rep. Jacobs Marks National Independent Retailer Month

This month we are celebrating the small and local businesses that drive growth in our communities. Independent retailers keep our local economies strong while creating opportunities for our families, friends,…

Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day! Here’s wishing you and your family, friends, and loved ones a safe and Happy Fourth of July!

Saturday, July 1, 2023
Jacobs Thanks Postal Workers on National Postal Worker Day

Happy Postal Worker Day to the men and women who work diligently to keep the mail moving across our state and nation!